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The Great Barrier Reef is one of Australia’s most significant environmental assets. It is one of the most diverse and remarkable ecosystems in the world, supporting an outstanding array of plants and animals. Its condition has declined since European settlement, and it faces many threats. Lets protect it now and for the future so that our young people will be able to experience this magnificent Australian wonder. 

Clear Blue The Song: (Lyrics by Peter Tranter)


I penned the words to Clear Blue many years ago. The words came to me while sitting at my office desk early one workday morning, listening to the radio and its constant messages of war, waste and destruction that we as a people seem to inflict on ourselves.


I am a keen diver and love the under water world and what it has to offer. On this particular morning I mentally transported myself from the desk to a favorite dive site. I was escaping from reality. 


It dawned on me how dissimilar the underwater world is from our domain.


It is a creation of magnificent beauty, ignorant to our world and therefore innocent to what we do to the planet and ourselves.

Life in the ocean is unparalleled in its uniqueness.  


My son Rhys Tranter a keen muso took the words to Clear Blue and assembled it into a prototype song.


Over the last 6 months he and a few of his young musician friends donated much of their own time and effort into professionally mixing and mastering the song into what it is now.


Hopefully the song and its words give meaning to protecting and saving our oceans so that we can continue to experience what they give and so that our young loved ones do not inherit an impossible task or get to see the beauty that is our oceanic marvel (Clear Blue).

Clear Blue Sample - Rhys Tranter

Click on the "Buy Now" button to buy either the song or the video and help protect our Great Barrier Reef 

Your money goes to help protect the Great Barrier Reef with a small portion going to help the young musical talent that worked tirelessly on this project.

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